bloom boom!
I lost a sense of things lasting forever. Not sure when that happened. After a few sudden changes, you get the hint ya know? But from that I gained a sense that I could just keep on going and train to be nimble with change.
I'm pretty good at seeing the grey areas. That can be a gift and a challenge.
These days I'm letting soundcloud direct my listening while I work. A little while ago it played a 2 hour show of ecstatic dance. That was interesting.
Memory Stack
recently finding elderflowers! I love elderflowers. I put them in my jacket hood and biked home with their fragrance in the wind.
Dreams and Aspirations
I dream of a world that is not so reactive.
Current Observation
quiet. The sound of an airplane in the distance. Hissing in my ears. Dim living room.
Emotional Domain
maybe like a stream finding its way to the ocean? Purposeful with some great patterns but somewhat unpredictable.
Favourite Things
oh right now I'm digging elderflower cordial with ginger and mint.
Migration Sequence
I like it here in Vancouver. It's good to be close to the ducks and the trees.
Special Place
I love the pond.
What is the Self?
Sometimes it feels like a loopback thought, a micro-story based on memory.